Home > Mono, Openmoko > Mono 2.0.1 and Gtk-sharp 2.12.5 for OpenMoko

Mono 2.0.1 and Gtk-sharp 2.12.5 for OpenMoko

I finally was sucessful compiling Mono 2.0.1 and Gtk-Sharp 2.12.5 for the Neo Freerunner.

It is tested on OM 2008.12.

The binaries are found at: http://cid-2c33e5173bc28fca.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public/mono-2.0.1

For a simple full install download all opk’s or the zip- Archive with all of them and copy them on the Neo.

In a shell execute the following command:

ls *.opk | xargs opkg install $1 -nodeps

So all packages will be installed and there should be no problems with dependencies.

Here are some screenshots of an Gtk# application running on the Neo. It shows my PIM Sync tool for the Neo:

Categories: Mono, Openmoko
  1. gallit
    2009/02/11 at 09:52

    Very nice job.
    Could you please explain how you did ?

    • sabotageandi
      2009/02/12 at 18:26

      I took the bitbake recipes for mono 1.9.1 and adoped it for 2.0.2. Only some patches for the config files are needed to build mono successful for the OpenMoko. After reworking the recipes I will send them to openembedded.

  2. Hoagster
    2009/02/26 at 14:43

    Should Mono install instructions be:
    ls *.opk | xargs opkg install $1 -nodeps

    • sabotageandi
      2009/02/26 at 20:22

      You are correct. I will fix the command

  1. 2009/02/12 at 22:22

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